
The Panel of Judges

The panel of judges for the International Property Awards is large and include judges from a variety of backgrounds & expertise. We have over 100 judges, divided up reviewing entries in all award categories. Each judge is allocated entries which match their areas of expertise.

Rachelle Peterson

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of LOQIA Group

George Galanopoulos

CEO & Managing Director/ Luxaviation UK

Edward Wellington

Founder & CEO, Wellington Estates

Jan Wilson

Founder and Owner,
RPW Design

Rebecca Johnson

Media & Hotel Consultant

Jeanette Schuchmann

Former Deputy Director,
German National Tourist Office

Philippe Rossiter

Retired from
The Master Inn Holders

Simon Numphud

Managing Director,
AA Media

Christian Mole

UK&I Head of EY Hospitality & Leisure.

Duncan MacArthur

Hi West

Adam Jacot de Boinod

Travel writer / Author

Prof. David Hind

Asia-Pacific Institute of Events Management

Pam Foden

Pam Foden & Associates

Richard Billett

Maisons Marques et Domaines Ltd

Katrina Craig

Hotel Solutions Partnership

Peter Anscomb

Senior Corporate Director,
Edwardian Group London

The award & judging process

To enter the awards is easy, first step is to register using our online form.

Then it’s a matter of completing and returning your entry packs, with your personal advisor on hand to help you at every step of the way.

Find out more

Award deadlines

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