
Annie Hampson

Planning Consultant

Judging for the Architecture Development Categories

Annie Hampson is a chartered Town Planner, who prior to retiring in 2020 was the Chief Planning Officer at the City of London Corporation.

She was involved in the City’s evolution in providing modern, innovative and effective buildings resulting in the redevelopment of over a third of the City’s building stock whilst safeguarding its historic character and considerably enhancing its street scene and retail diversity. She has over 40 years of experience in senior roles in Planning Authorities within London and was awarded an OBE in 2018 in recognition of her services to Planning in London.

She has considerable experience of planning issues and has been involved in a great range of development schemes, including some very high profile major projects and infrastructure plans and in repurposing and refurbishing listed buildings and historic fabric. Some of these projects include the Gherkin, Paternoster Square, and the Eastern Cluster towers. She also dealt with Merrill Lynch’s headquarters, a significant success in that it included the largest dealing floors in Europe, knitted around a scheduled ancient monument, Grade I and II listed buildings in a conservation area, dealing with at the same time, the Millennium Bridge.

She has given a wide range of talks and presentations and has been active in promoting women in the Planning profession. She continues to be actively involved in Planning and is acting as a planning consultant. She is currently the Chairman of the London Diocesan Advisory Committee, and has also just been appointed as a Trustee to the Theatres Trust.

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