Your details

Please enter your information carefully.

Company name
Please enter the name of the awarded company
Company telephone number
Your name
Email address

By clicking "Accept & continue", you agree:

That you have read and fully understand the logo usage regulations, and the subsequent consequences of misuse.

That you are authorised to agree to these terms on behalf of my company named above.

That the information you have provided on this form is correct and valid.

Important notes

Please enter your information carefully

A link to download your logos will be sent to your email address.

Your logos are only available after the awards presentation event.

Please allow up to 3 working days for your logos to be available to download.

Make sure your have read the regulations carefully. All applications of your logo must follow these regulations. Unauthorised use of your logo(s) will result in a lifetime ban from entering subsequent awards and may result in disqualification of awards and legal proceedings. These regulations are necessary to prevent abuse of the logo.

If you have any questions, please email us: [email protected]